List of Companies in As-Sabahiyah, Kuwait

Searching for businesses in As-Sabahiyah? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in As-Sabahiyah, Kuwait. Top companies in Kuwait, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies

Boubyan for gas industry

Boubyan Industry For Gases Al Rai Industrial Area, Block : 1639, Behind Avenues Post Box No: 26001, Safat 13121, Kuwait, As-Sabahiyah
Company Profile The Boubyan Industry for Gases, with its headquarters in Kuwait, is the world’s leading independent supplier of Industrial and Specialty Gases to the Offshore and Medical markets. Since it was founded, the Company has grown rapidly and now oper...

Al Baik Al Malaki Restaurant

Sabahiya, P O Box: 48001 Sabahiya, As-Sabahiyah